Monday, January 28, 2008

Silence Heard So Clear...

Isn't fire amazing? Now I'm by no means what you would call a pyro maniac. All I am saying is that fire has so many diverse abilities, and has made many a cameo in my life, all with very different personalities. Back in 1994 is appeared destructive and life changing when it burned down our home and almost everything inside. In college it was seen as cleansing when it was used as a symbol of God's mercy and grace as it burned a paper with all the transgressions I could remember at the time written on it. The strange thing is the even though fire has appeared as many different characters in my life there has always one trait that rolls constant, and that is an ability to calm. I know that sounds somewhat strange for someone who at one time lost everything they ever knew to a fire, but it is true. I find the random movement, the inadvertent crackling to incredibly calming and peaceful.

I bring all of this up because my wife Kristal and I were given an amazing gift this Christmas from two of the greatest people I will ever have the privilege of knowing. They gave us a fire pit. I can not tell you how excited and blessed I felt...feel to have been on the receiving end of that gift and I finally got to put it to use.

Most people when I tell them that I work in ministry full time they give me a look or even a sigh that says "Oh, to be you." as if I somehow have it easy and live a blissful, conflict free existence filled with butterflies and prancing deer. Now get me wrong, although I have not seen deer prancing down my office hallway, I love my job. I believe my job is my calling, but working in ministry is one of the most stressful jobs I have ever been blessed to have.

I won't get into it but I spent most of the day trying to figure out and think through how God would have me lead the people that He has put in my charge. For me this is a very hard thing for me to leave at the office, although I am getting better at it. (Please see The Sawyer Saga
for my motivation.) So I started a fire in my new fire pit. As the fire grew I sat in one our plastic lawn chairs and just watched as each flame ate away at the small pieces of the wood strategically placed in harms way. A sense of peace came over me. There was a sense as if everything was right in the world. I was finally able to take the time to sit down and listen. Sometimes I forget that you can't listen with your mouth open, and sometimes your brain, or even your heart, is just as loud as your mouth.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

What Is There To Say?...

It never fails. Whenever I go to start something like this I never have much to say, that is if I have anything to say at all. I always find myself wanting for the right thing to say, as if my very key strokes will seamlessly form amazing words, that will turn into incredible sentences, that join together to form that miraculous paradigm shifting recital of the very anthem the world needs to hear.

That is my fatal flaw. I try too hard. I always try to force it. Although my personality would tell you otherwise when it comes to my thoughts and expressions I never just let them flow out. Have you ever tried to do anything with such force and determination only to come up short or wanting? Scripture says that Christ calls us to a life lived in Him. He says that his burden is easy and His yoke is light. In modern fast paced world it is so easy to forget this biblical truth. I am so worried about failing, underachieving, or even saying the wrong thing in a blog.

The question that I am asking myself is the same question that is fueling my journey. That question is what does life look like when it is fully given over to the barer of my burdens? It is time to take a stand and live a life given up. Because life is easy with hands raised

OK... I Guess It Is Time To Come Back...

This is my new blog. There will be more posts to come